Paragon offshore's "DPDS1" in Curacao for thruster removal

29 maart 2019

Subsea Global Solutions (Miami Diver of Curacao) was responsible for bringing this project to Curacao. Given the extensive technical works involved with the removal of the thrusters and the amount of equipment alongside the vessel, it was decided to moor the vessel at the buoy, in the sheltered bay of St. Michael. 



Photos courtesy of Subsea Global Solutions 


The thrusters were lowered using the vessel cranes, transferred to a crane barge and hoisted onto the barge. On the barge, the thrusters were prepped and then hoisted on the DPDS1 and sea fastened for the ocean voyage to the US. 




Paragon Offshore is a spin-off of Noble Corporation, a well known client of Subsea Global Solutions and Dammers. Therefore, the choice for Curacao/SGS/Dammers was an easy one. For more information about the spin-off, please click: Paragon spin-off news.